Monday, June 3, 2013

Employee Management

Conflict Management

Conflict between employees is one of the most common sources of trouble in the workplace and can lead to productivity losses, increased absenteeism and poor client service.
Moreover, when it goes unresolved, constant conflict can erode the work environment to the point where employees will even leave the organization.
Here are a few tips to help business owner’s management conflict in the workplace.
1. Clarify. Ensure job functions and procedures are clearly defined in writing so employees know what they are accountable for and to whom they report.
2. Encourage employees to discuss areas of conflict and differences so they do not fester and they become larger issues.
3. Promote trust. Involve management in open discussions that promote trust and respect. Differences of opinion and disagreement should not be confused with conflict and can be healthy in an organization.
4. Involve all parties in resolving the dispute and recognize the merits of the positive and negative factors that each party sees.
5. Review the process used to finalize any decision that successfully resolves the conflict. Management may be able to reuse the model in the future.
Effective leaders willingly address spoken and unspoken negative tensions in the company and work to transform these into positive and productive relationships.
I hope these are helpful thoughts on the topic and I welcome your comments.

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