Monday, February 25, 2019

Business Management

Do You Have Time Management Issues?

Business owners and managers often struggle with managing time efficiently. There are many root causes for time waste that can be addressed to improve effectiveness of the business.

Here are a few thought starters:

1. Project assignments. 
Have you assigned the right person to the right job? An employee may appear to have a problem managing time but they may be in a role or doing a job they are not suited for.

2. Delegation. 
As owner/manager do you have poor delegation skills or do you not delegate in order to maintain control? The need to do everything yourself can dramatically impact your time management. Delegating is not abdicating.

3. Meetings. 
How many meetings held are really effective? A lot of time can be wasted in unnecessary or poorly organized meetings. Make sure agendas are prepared and followed.

4. Training. 
Do staff members need training to perform better? What appears to be a time management issue may be a training need.

5. Planning. 
Are the business’ plans well defined? If direction is unclear staff may struggle to know how to prioritize work activity. Make sure time is used to critique time used and avoid time wasters like email, calls, breaks and other non-productive activity.

These are samples of business issues that may mask what appear to be time management issues. There can be many others; examination of each may uncover root causes of poor productivity.

If you have thoughts to share please let me know.

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