Monday, May 12, 2014

This week’s blog is written by Andrew Adam, President, Stature Marketing. The blog provides an outline of the benefits of event marketing. I hope you find the outline of interest.

Simple Event Marketing Tips That Make Business Sense

Promoting your business at events such as trade shows, fairs, conferences, and event small community gatherings should be part of your businesses marketing mix.  You can send out all of the flyers, e-blasts, newspaper and radio ads that you want, but nothing quite compares to the power of face-to-face marketing. Explaining, or better yet, demonstrating your product or service in person is the absolute best way to connect with your audience.

There are hundreds of events happening each year in your community and being able to identify those that fit best with your business is an exceptional skill to have.  Here are a few tips to help your decision making:

1. Analyze every event quickly and efficiently

Your email is a great place to start.  Good event organizers target businesses that are a fit for their events.  They are actually doing the work for you, so give them the attention they deserve and hear them out. Open the attachments, and call the organizer or sales representative. It should only take 5 minutes or less to review and make a decision if the event is a good fit.  Good questions to ask are: Who is your organizing team and why will this event be successful? What is your marketing campaign? Who is your target audience? The answers should be immediate and spoken with confidence.

2. Keep a budget available at all times and don't be cheap

When a good promotional opportunity arises it should not be missed. Good quality events can be very costly but are also much more successful.  $10 or $20 for a table at an event is great, but $500 for a booth at a major show could be just what your business needs to grow at the pace you desire.

3. Commit early 

The earlier you commit to being involved the more exposure your business will receive. Organizers get asked on every sales call “who else is on board?” and your business could be mentioned time and time again to other exhibitors who could be potential clients or partners. Not only that, but organizers who promote events very early, need content to promote and that could be you! Organizers greatly appreciate dedication exhibitors and go above and will often go above and beyond to ensure you are recognized.

Spotlight Event: The North American Sport & Hobby Expo  May 30 – June 1, 2014  WFCU Centre

Now here is a community focused event that is doing everything right.

- Major attractions? Check!
- Large and Creative Marketing Campaign? Check!
- Professional Organizers? Check!
- Targeted Audience? Check!
- Reasonable Cost to Participate? Check!
- Sold out well before the event date? Check!
- Promoted well in advance? Check!

You are probably very eager to learn more about this great sounding event. You can find out more at

Or contact:

 Andrew Adam, President

Stature Marketing

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