Monday, March 31, 2014

Strive for Balance in Your Management Style

Managers facilitate team member’s success and ensure they have the tools to be productive. To maximize effectiveness it may be necessary to review your management style to have a balanced approach with staff.
Here are a few comments that may help you review your style and perhaps attain a more balanced approach in your business.

Use authority without alienation
If you use a heavy hand employees may resent it; a weak approach may allow employees to take advantage. A middle of the road approach may generate the respect needed.

Establish attainable goals
Goals for staff should balance the ambitions you strive to attain for the organization with realism of capabilities. If goals are set too high and are not achieved frustration sets in. If the bar is too low you are not doing enough to optimize performance.

Balance is needed up and down the ladder
Managers have to balance the needs of their own bosses with the needs of employees. It is unproductive to lean too hard on employees to satisfy senior management and equally ineffective to ignore management needs and listening only to employee’s needs. Satisfying the different agendas and achieving the desired balance is the real challenge.

Balance work and personal life
Balancing work and personal needs may be the most important equilibrium of all. Work without rest or recreation can allow fatigue to set in which limits productivity. Everyone should have the down time needed to recharge energy resources to improve overall productivity at work.

I hope these comments provide insight that helps keep the managerial ship from sailing too easily off course.

Thanks, please let me hear your thoughts:

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