Monday, March 11, 2013

Implementing organizational Change

Implementing organizational change effectively requires changing employees attitudes and behavior from a current state to a new level of behavior with a minimum of cost in terms of performance and morale.
Here a few ideas on implementation to mitigate disruption to the business.
1. Understand the issues. Identify the problems, prioritize and deal with the most important, and clearly define the solution or change needed.

2. Communicate. Conveying the vision of the intended structure to all employees is critical. Make the entire team part of the process to optimize success. A clearly structured plan must be developed to ensure employees see the intended path forward. Maintain stability and retain the overall mission or key personnel to reduce anxiety within the organization.

3. Implement carefully. Manage the transition by allocating appropriate resources and appoint a key person with responsibility for the change process. Key managers must lead by sharing the goals and vision and they must serve as role models. Take small steps initially to achieve success and set the stage for larger more important steps in the plan.
Ultimately as an organization grows and matures change becomes necessary. The methodology used by the organization to implement the change will determine the level of disruption to employees and to productivity.
Plan carefully, choose the path ahead wisely.

Those are my thoughts; I look forward to your comments.

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