Sunday, October 6, 2013

Are you a Good Communicator?

There are a number of ways managers can increase effectiveness of communications. Here are a few suggestions to consider for your business.

• Bring life to your vision. Anyone can write a mission statement. But you aren’t communicating that vision unless you repeatedly signal how those values translate into concrete actions. What people learn from your routine decision-making matters far more than what you pack into your speeches.

• Ask good questions. When you want to persuade someone, questions can be more powerful than statements. The reason: you engage another person more strongly. You get him or her thinking about the ideal answer – and the steps necessary to get there. By being less dogmatic, you let people on your team build game plans that they believe in.

• Be aware of things you don’t know. If your subordinates are any good at all, you often won’t know the details as well as they do. Expect to be learning constantly. Find ways that your in-house experts can quietly bring you up to speed on emerging issues. You’ve got vital strengths that other people don’t, particularly in terms of experience, broad perspectives and judgment. As you work toward important decisions, make sure your remarks and conversations are opening the way for other people to keep augmenting your knowledge base.

If you’re conveying a clear vision, asking good questions, setting the right priorities you’re creating that winners’ aura that is the ultimate reward for great leadership communication.

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